Business leaders are under almost continual pressure to change, whether for market or internal reasons. Yet often they do not have the time, or the necessary skills, to ensure they can respond successfully.

The types of challenges that clients ask Kubiz to help them address include:

– Expansion:           new products and services, new channels, new geographical regions
– Innovation:           new and/or enhanced technology solutions, business proces redesign, business (proces) modelling
– Transformation: new business models, new processes or technologies, outsourcing, management restructuring, ICT, program (project) management
– Rationalisation:  business turnarounds, re-focusing of activities, divesting
– Integration:          post-merger or acquisition, set up of shared services

Kubiz will provide support throughout a business transformation. Consultants advise across the full lifecycle of change – from the formulation of strategy, through shaping and mobilisation of programmes to the delivery and realisation of benefits.
The nature Kubiz’s involvement varies depending on the clients’ capabilities; they may take an extended programme management role or simply provide a short project review.
Our consultants can provide support for just a few weeks, or over a longer period, for example taking an interim position, while clients find a permanent resource.

Kubiz’s clients span a wide range of sectors, and the broader experience of their consultants adds even greater industry reach. Kubiz sees this as an asset that allows its consultants to bring a wealth of external best practice and learning.

The biggest compliment clients can – and do – pay is that they keep coming back. In fact. not only do Kubiz’s clients see the results they want, but they clearly enjoy the journey.

Can Kubiz Help?

Are you about to embark on an (ICT) strategy, strategy definition? Are you re-shaping an ICT function in response to a change in business strategy or context? Or is your ICT function under pressure to outsource but the rationale for outsourcing seems confused? Or have you formulated your killer strategy but you cannot get your organisation to real delivery, execution and implementation? If so, Kubiiz may be able to help. If you would like to talk through the challenges you face and how to turn them into opportunities and rewards, you can contact Kubiz at or simply contact us here